Twitter 업데이트 2010-04-11

  • In a week, I'll be meeting my cousin in Atlanta for the first time in 15 years! Can't believe it's been that long. Looking forward to it. #
  • Thought all my research for 1.5yr was for nothing, but looking at what we've done so far I'm confident that it was worth my time & effort. #
  • Can't resist iPad after playing around with it for 10 mins. To me YouTube & iBooks were the best. Should I wait for the camera or not? #
  • I will start my Ph.D. in EECS at MIT this fall. Here I come, Cambridge & Boston! #
  • Is it wise not to sleep before catching a 5~6am flight? I have to get up at 3 to get ready. aaarg… #
  • Michael McDonough: 95 percent of any creative profession is shit work. Start with what you know; then remove the unknowns. #

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